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Robert Haynes

4 Natural Options to Help You Cope with Anxiety

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Robert Haynes, (2021, November 4). 4 Natural Options to Help You Cope with Anxiety.Psychreg on Mental Health. //www.mums-channel.com/natural-options-help-cope-anxiety/
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Are you interested in more organic ways to help you cope with your anxiety? You’re not alone.

Everyone manages their mental health differently, but when it comes to coping with your daily anxiety, there may be certain options you should consider over others (of course, after speaking with your doctor).

Here are some tips to help you determine what may be best for you.

Cannabis or hemp

If you are someone who experiences chronic and generalized anxiety on a day-to-day basis, usingorganic hemp flowermay help relieve the symptoms of your anxiety.

Anxiety has a tendency to mess with your sleeping schedule, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay that way.

In a mental battle, sleep is extremely important for you to make progress. For this reason, hemp can be of use to help you rest easy, get the sleep your body needs, and feel less anxious in the morning.

This is because hemp products give you the relaxation and mood stability that come with marijuana, all without the THC or high’ sensation.

Mindful breathing techniques

Research shows that your brain can only focus on a limited number of actions at a time.

在高度焦虑的时候,它能帮助你重新focus by practisingbreathing techniquesbecause they are easy to do and work to refocus your brain. Based on this research, if you are able to focus on these breathing techniques, you can trick your brain into momentarily forgetting about your stress and anxiety, while simultaneously calming your heart rate.

Leaning on loved ones and support resources

For some, asking for help is the hardest step in making progress with your mental health.But it is also the most critical.Being able to reach out and get extra help on a difficult day will make a world of difference and could even prevent an anxiety or panic attack.

Some days, you may need help finding a solution, or advice from a loved one when you open up to them, and other times you only need them to listen and acknowledge how you’re feeling and just provide support. You can even communicate with them before so they know what will help you, by saying either ‘Can you provide me with some advice?’ or ‘I know that solutions are possible, but for now I just need to vent.’

If you do not have a supporter or loved one available during the time of a crisis, there aremental health helplinesavailable all the time that are ready and prepared to help you and give you the support you need.

Distract yourself

On anxious days, it can be very helpful to make use of media like music, books, and songs you enjoy. Picking out some music or a movie that has lots of complex components is a good idea. This is because if you find the song, book or movie complex or captivating, it will be more likely to capture your attention.

When you are focused on the media, your brain will no longer be able to give 100% attention to your stressor, alleviating some anxiety symptoms. It is not a long-term solution, but it will help you focus on something else during difficult moments or days.

Final thoughts

Anxiety is a difficult mental health issue to combat, but there aresomany ways of coping.

While we believe the four options listed in this article are some of the best natural options out there, we know that there’s no one-size-fits-all guarantee.

If you’re keen to cope with your anxiousness naturally, start small by giving one of these options a shot. We’re sure you won’t be sorry.

Robert Haynes did his degree in psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. He is interested in mental health and well-being.

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